Springfield’s Strong Second Half Leads To 34-6 Win Over Palumbo Academy

Cam Dennis

Springfield’s Cam Dennis

Springfield High School from Montgomery County, PA runs a play called the Fly Sweep. Unlike most Jet or Rocket Sweeps, the Fly Sweep is a forward pitch. If the pitch is dropped, it’s an incomplete pass and not a fumble.

The Spartans coaching staff mentioned this to me on numerous occasions.  No need to mention it fellas…this old guy has been around for years. Smile!

The primary recipient of the pass is Junior WR Cam Dennis. The QB who fills the stat sheet along with Dennis is Junior Gabe Franzyk. Springfield ran the play for Dennis 11 times for 94 yards.  Along with his 11  pitches to Dennis, Franzyk completed 12 other balls for 129 yards and finished the game completing 23 of 27 passes for 223 yards.

Dennis says: “Anyone can run the play, but I am happy to be the chosen one and I’m grateful for it.”

Well, that’s being a bit modest since it takes hours of practice to execute the pitch perfectly and also the receiver must be able to take the toss and turn the corner and get up the field.

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Juvenile Diabetes Has Not Stopped Ryan Haines


Ryan Haines plays football at a high level while living with diabetes.

Ryan Haines, a 6-foot, 4-inch, 260-pound offensive tackle from for Salesianum High School in Wilmington, Delaware, tries to stay positive every day of his life. Earlier in his youth, Ryan was playing baseball with his friends and for some reason he said, he didn’t feel right.

His parents, Tim and Nancy Haines, scheduled him a doctor’s appointment almost immediately. What they found out was that Ryan was one of just 200,000 kids under the age of 20 diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. One million people over the age of 20 also have the same disease, which is described as type One Diabetes  The disease prevents the pancreas from producing insulin needed to live a normal life and, as a result, Ryan must monitor his blood-sugar level on a daily basis. As of now there is no cure. His parents, family, and friends often participate in Juvenile Diabetes Walks of Fund Raisers.

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Mastery Charter North Blanked By Delaware Powerhouse

mastery qb

Mastery QB Mason Garnett with a unique pregame look.

Upon arrival at Ben Johnson Memorial Stadium in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, I noticed several young men wearing Mastery North Charter football jerseys but in civilian clothes on the Pumas sideline. When I went over to head coach John Davidson to make sure I had an updated roster, he quickly grabbed the roster from me and crossed out the numbers 4,5 and 6. I had seen Mastery a few weeks ago and those three numbers had impacted the game.

Number 4- Suhail Gillard was the leading rusher; 5- Justin Earl-Porter the leading receiver; and 6-Jeremiah Edrise-Porter was the quarterback.

Davidson was hoping for some of his younger players to step up but knew it would be a tough task against Salesianum High School from Wilmington, Delaware. Last year the Sallies made it all the way to their classification’ss State Championship Game only to lose to Sussex Central. The Pumas then found out why after being thumped 35-0.

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Lincoln Tops Mastbaum, 22-6


Naseym Ferguson

If you are a fan of some old-fashioned smash-mouth football, then Northeast High School’s Charles Martin Stadium was the place to be last night.

Lincoln High School improved to 5-1 by beating Jules Mastbaum High School, 22-6, in a game that featured only 9 passes out of 77 total offensive plays. Lincoln ran 34 times for 91 yards while Mastbaum was more successful in a losing cause, busting 34-170 for an average of 5 yards per carry.

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St. Joe’s Prep Lays It On LaSalle, 44-13

Head sht of young man in a football uniform.

Kyle McCord had a night!

Saint Joe’s Prep and Ohio State-bound QB Kyle McCord wanted his squad to get off to a quick start.

“I wanted us to start fast and once we started I wanted to keep laying it on,” he said.

Well, he sure did just that with an impressive first half by throwing the ball 19 times and completing 13 for 266 yards and 3 TD’s.  McCord and head coach Tim Roken both praised the Prep’s offensive line.

Roken said “We were a little sloppy at times being on the road the last three weeks, so we wanted to clean up a few things and the offensive line was one of them.”

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